
Decentralized Democracy

Bill S-226

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 30, 2024
  • This bill, titled "An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speaker of the Senate)," aims to make changes to the way the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Senate are elected and participate in votes. The bill proposes amending the Constitution Act, 1867 to require the Senate to elect these positions through a secret ballot, both after a General Election and in the case of a vacancy. It also suggests changes to the Parliament of Canada Act to outline the procedures for the Speaker and Deputy Speaker leaving the chair during Senate sittings, as well as clarifying the powers and duties of senators acting as Speaker in their absence. Additionally, the bill proposes adjusting the salary of the Deputy Speaker. If passed, this bill will come into effect upon the dissolution of the 44th Parliament.
  • H1
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • A steelman argument in favor of Bill S-226 could be as follows: Amending the Constitution Act, 1867 to allow for the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Senate, as well as their participation in votes, would promote greater accountability and democratic representation within the Senate. By allowing Senators to elect their Speaker, it ensures that the position is not solely determined by the Governor General, thus increasing the Senate's independence from the executive branch. Additionally, by allowing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker to participate in votes, it ensures that the voices of these individuals, who hold important positions within the Senate, are heard and considered when making decisions. This allows for a more inclusive and representative democratic process within the Senate, as decisions made will reflect the perspectives and priorities of those individuals in leadership roles. Furthermore, the amendment wo

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman argument opposing Bill S-226: An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act (Speaker of the Senate) The current system, where the Governor General appoints the Speaker of the Senate, has functioned effectively for the past 154 years and has proven to be a reliable and prudent process. By amending the Constitution Act, 1867, to allow for the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Senate, we risk introducing political bias and partisanship into the selection process. The system of appointment ensures that the Speaker, as a non-partisan figure, can impartially preside over debates and maintain order in the Senate. The proposed amendments open the door for political maneuvering and potential conflicts of interest, where the Speaker may be influenced by the party that helped elect them. Additionally, the current system allows for the removal of a Speaker who fails to discharge their duties e
  • Nov. 24, 2021, 2 p.m.
  • In Progress
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