
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill PR18

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
June 08, 2023
  • This is a bill called "2253697 Ontario Inc. Act, 2023" that aims to revive a corporation that was dissolved in 2021. The person who was the director and president of the corporation when it was dissolved wants to revive it in order to deal with certain property that the corporation still owns. If the bill is passed, the corporation will be restored to its previous legal position, including all its property, rights, and liabilities. The bill will come into effect once it receives Royal Assent.
  • H1
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  • RA
  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • A steelman argument in favor of Bill PR18 2023, which aims to revive 2253697 Ontario Inc., could be as follows: Reviving 2253697 Ontario Inc. is justified because it allows for the proper handling of the corporation's assets and liabilities that were left unresolved at the time of dissolution. The applicant, Paul La Rochelle, who was the director and president of the corporation, is seeking to revive it in order to address certain property held by the corporation at the time of dissolution. Granting the application for revival ensures that the corporation can resume its legal position, including all its property, rights, privileges, and franchises. This is important because it allows for the protection of the corporation's assets and ensures that they are not lost or mismanaged due to the dissolution. Furthermore, reviving the corporation also means that it will be subject to all its liabilities, contracts, disabilities, and debts as of the date of its dissolution. This ensures that any outstanding obligations or debts are properly addressed and resolved, preventing any potential legal or financial complications. By reviving 2253697 Ontario Inc., the legislation provides a clear and legal framework for the corporation to continue its operations and fulfill its obligations. This benefits not only the applicant, Paul La Rochelle, but also any other stakeholders or parties involved with the corporation. In conclusion, the revival of 2253697 Ontario Inc. through Bill PR18 2023 is appropriate and necessary to ensure the proper handling of the corporation's assets, liabilities, and obligations. It provides a legal framework for the corporation to resume its operations and fulfill its responsibilities, benefiting all parties involved.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill PR18 2023: One could argue that Bill PR18 2023, which aims to revive 2253697 Ontario Inc., is an example of unnecessary government intervention and favoritism towards a specific corporation. This bill goes against the principles of limited government and free market capitalism that are often associated with right-wing ideologies. Firstly, reviving a dissolved corporation through special legislation sets a dangerous precedent. It suggests that the government can intervene and revive any corporation at its discretion, potentially undermining the rule of law and creating an unfair advantage for certain businesses. This kind of government interference can distort market competition and hinder the growth of other companies that were not fortunate enough to receive such special treatment. Furthermore, reviving a corporation solely to deal with certain property held in its name seems like an unnecessary use of government resources. It is the responsibility of the corporation's directors and shareholders to properly manage and dispose of its assets. Granting special legislation to revive a corporation simply to address this issue sets a precedent that the government will step in to solve problems that should be handled by private entities. Additionally, reviving a corporation without considering the rights acquired by other individuals or entities after its dissolution raises concerns about property rights. It is unfair to restore a corporation to its previous legal position without taking into account the legitimate interests and investments made by others during its absence. This could potentially lead to legal disputes and undermine the stability and predictability of business transactions. In conclusion, Bill PR18 2023 represents an unnecessary government intervention that favors a specific corporation and undermines the principles of limited government and free market capitalism. It sets a dangerous precedent, wastes government resources, and disregards the rights of other individuals and entities. A more principled approach would be to allow the dissolved corporation to address its property issues through existing legal channels without special legislation.
  • June 8, 2023, noon
  • Read

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
June 08, 2023
  • March 9, 2023, noon
  • Passed