
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill 96

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
April 27, 2023
  • This bill, called the Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Parole), 2023, makes changes to the Ministry of Correctional Services Act in Ontario. It repeals and replaces a clause related to granting parole, allowing for the consideration of electronic monitoring for sexual and domestic offenders. The bill also adds a section specifying the conditions that can be imposed on inmates who are granted parole and subject to electronic monitoring. The Act will come into force three months after receiving Royal Assent.
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • RA
  • Yea
  • Nay
  • star_border

SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One steelman argument in favor of Bill 96 2023, the Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act, could be as follows: This amendment to the Ministry of Correctional Services Act introduces electronic monitoring for sexual and domestic offenders who are granted parole. By implementing electronic monitoring, the government aims to enhance public safety and reduce the risk of reoffending by these individuals. Electronic monitoring can provide an additional layer of supervision and accountability for parolees, particularly those convicted of sexual or domestic violence offenses. It allows authorities to closely monitor their movements and ensure compliance with parole conditions. This can help prevent potential harm to victims and provide a sense of security to the community. Furthermore, electronic monitoring can act as a deterrent for parolees, as they are aware that their actions are being closely monitored. This awareness may discourage them from engaging in further criminal activities, thereby contributing to the overall reduction in crime rates. By granting the Board the authority to impose conditions related to electronic monitoring, the amendment ensures that the decision-making process is tailored to the specific circumstances of each case. This flexibility allows for a more individualized approach to parole, taking into account the risk factors associated with sexual and domestic violence offenses. Overall, the introduction of electronic monitoring for sexual and domestic offenders on parole demonstrates a proactive approach by the government to prioritize public safety and protect potential victims. It provides an additional tool for authorities to monitor and manage the behavior of parolees, ultimately contributing to the rehabilitation and successful reintegration of these individuals into society.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill 96 2023: Bill 96 2023, also known as the Ministry of Correctional Services Amendment Act (Parole), 2023, proposes amendments to the Ministry of Correctional Services Act in Ontario. While the intention behind this bill may be to enhance public safety, there are concerns regarding the expansion of government power and potential infringement on individual rights. Firstly, the provision to grant parole upon conditions deemed appropriate by the Board raises concerns about the potential for subjective decision-making. Granting the Board the authority to determine parole conditions without clear guidelines or limitations could lead to inconsistent and unfair treatment of inmates. This lack of transparency may undermine the principles of justice and due process. Furthermore, the introduction of electronic monitoring for sexual and domestic offenders raises concerns about privacy and civil liberties. While it is important to protect victims and prevent recidivism, the use of electronic monitoring can be seen as an invasion of privacy and a violation of individual rights. This expansion of surveillance capabilities sets a dangerous precedent, as it opens the door for further encroachments on personal freedoms. Additionally, the bill grants the government the power to prescribe conditions that may be imposed on inmates granted parole and subject to electronic monitoring. This level of government control over individuals' lives raises concerns about the potential for abuse and overreach. It is important to remember that the government's role should be limited, and individuals should have the freedom to make their own choices and decisions, even after serving their sentences. In conclusion, while the intention behind Bill 96 2023 may be to enhance public safety, it is important to consider the potential negative consequences. The expansion of government power, potential infringement on individual rights, and the erosion of privacy and civil liberties are valid concerns that should be carefully considered before implementing such measures. It is crucial to strike a balance between public safety and the preservation of individual freedoms.
  • April 27, 2023, noon
  • In Progress
  • Read
  • April 4, 2023, midnight
  • Passed