
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill 70

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
March 22, 2023
  • This bill, called the Seniors Month Act, 2023, proclaims the month of June as Seniors Month in the Province of Ontario. It aims to recognize and celebrate the contributions of seniors in our communities. Seniors Month will focus on the health and well-being of older adults, promote social connections, and encourage age-friendly communities. The Act will come into effect once it receives Royal Assent.
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • RA
  • Yea (12)
  • Nay
  • star_border

SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One steelman argument in favor of Bill 70 2023, which proclaims the month of June as Seniors Month, is that it recognizes and celebrates the contributions and work that seniors have done and continue to do in our communities. By designating a specific month to honor seniors, it highlights their importance and acknowledges their valuable role in society. This Act also emphasizes the health and well-being of seniors, promoting their social connection and engagement within their respective communities. By encouraging inclusion and fostering age-friendly communities, it aims to create an environment where seniors can thrive and maintain a high quality of life. Furthermore, Seniors Month serves as a catalyst for raising awareness about the needs and challenges faced by older adults. It provides an opportunity for organizations, businesses, and individuals to come together and support initiatives that address these issues, such as healthcare, housing, and social services. By formally proclaiming June as Seniors Month, the Province of Ontario demonstrates its commitment to honoring and supporting its senior population. This Act not only recognizes the contributions of seniors but also serves as a reminder to society of the importance of valuing and respecting older adults.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill 70 2023: While recognizing and celebrating the work seniors have done and are doing in our communities is important, the government's involvement in proclaiming the month of June as Seniors Month is unnecessary and potentially harmful. This bill represents an overreach of government power and interferes with the principles of limited government and individual freedom. Firstly, the government should not be in the business of proclaiming specific months for specific groups. This kind of legislation sets a dangerous precedent and opens the door for other interest groups to demand their own designated months, leading to an endless cycle of government proclamations. It is not the role of the government to dictate how citizens should celebrate or recognize certain groups. Furthermore, this bill places a greater significance on the health and well-being of seniors, which implies that the government should be responsible for ensuring their well-being. However, it is not the government's duty to provide for the health and well-being of individuals. This responsibility should primarily fall on the individuals themselves, their families, and voluntary community organizations. Relying on the government to take care of seniors' health and well-being undermines personal responsibility and individual autonomy. Additionally, the promotion of age-friendly communities and the encouragement of inclusion should be left to the free market and voluntary associations, rather than government intervention. When the government gets involved in promoting specific types of communities, it often leads to unintended consequences and stifles innovation. Communities should be allowed to develop naturally based on the preferences and needs of their residents, rather than being dictated by government mandates. In conclusion, while recognizing the contributions of seniors is important, the government's involvement in proclaiming Seniors Month is an unnecessary overreach of power. It undermines the principles of limited government and individual freedom, and it is not the government's role to dictate how citizens should celebrate or recognize certain groups. The promotion of seniors' well-being and age-friendly communities should be left to individuals, families, and voluntary associations, rather than relying on government intervention.
  • March 22, 2023, noon
  • In Progress
  • Read

Assembly Motion No. 4308

43rd Parl. 1st Sess. (ON)
March 22, 2023, 10:15 a.m.
  • Bill 70
  • Latest: Second Reading Ordered referred to Standing Committee
  • Second Reading of Bill 70, An Act to proclaim the month of June as Seniors Month.

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
March 22, 2023
  • Feb. 27, 2023, midnight
  • Passed