
Decentralized Democracy

Bill C-306

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
November 17, 2022
  • Summary: This bill establishes November 19th as "National Women’s Entrepreneurship Day" in Canada. It aims to celebrate and support women in business, recognizing their resilience and contribution to society. The day is designated to highlight the barriers women face in entrepreneurship and to provide them with opportunities to start and scale up their businesses. The Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is already recognized by the United Nations and celebrated in over 140 countries.
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One steelman argument in favor of the National Women's Entrepreneurship Day Act could be that it is necessary to address the existing barriers and inequalities faced by women in entrepreneurship. Despite progress being made, women still face obstacles such as lack of access to funding, networks, and mentorship opportunities. By designating a specific day to celebrate and support women entrepreneurs, the Act can help raise awareness and visibility of their contributions, inspiring more women to pursue entrepreneurship. This could also lead to increased support and resources specifically tailored to address the unique challenges faced by women in business. Ultimately, encouraging and empowering women entrepreneurs can contribute to economic growth, job creation, and societal progress.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman argument opposing the establishment of National Women's Entrepreneurship Day: While it is important to support and promote entrepreneurship, creating a specific day dedicated to women entrepreneurs may inadvertently reinforce gender-based divisions. By singling out women entrepreneurs, it suggests that their achievements are somehow separate or different from those of male entrepreneurs, which could be counterproductive to the goal of gender equality. Moreover, emphasizing gender in this context may potentially perpetuate stereotypes and stigmas, casting women as needing special recognition rather than celebrating entrepreneurship as a whole. Instead of creating a separate day for women entrepreneurs, it would be more effective to focus on creating an inclusive environment that supports and encourages entrepreneurship for all individuals, regardless of gender. By doing so, we can avoid the risk of marginalizing certain groups
  • Nov. 17, 2022, 10 a.m.
  • In Progress
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