
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Todd J. McCarthy

  • MPP
  • Member of Provincial Parliament
  • Durham
  • Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
  • Ontario
  • 23 King St. W Bowmanville, ON L1C 1R2
  • tel: 905-697-1501
  • fax: 905-697-1506

  • Government Page
  • May/16/23 3:30:00 p.m.
  • Re: Bill 85 

I thank the member opposite for the question. Inflation, as we know, is affecting everybody, not just here in the province of Ontario but across the country, the continent and indeed the world. But here at home in Ontario, it’s left many, especially the more vulnerable, feeling pressure on their household budgets, and everybody is affected by this on the rental side, landlords and tenants. Landlords certainly face tenants who aren’t paying, and they can’t make ends meet.

The government understands that it’s a challenging time for many across the province, and therefore has acted early to provide relief. As a result, for example, we are providing more than $6.5 billion a year in electricity price relief for both consumers and job creators under our comprehensive electricity plan. We, as well, made adjustments to the core allowances for the ODSP and of course have added 100,000 more seniors in terms of eligibility for the GAINS program.

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  • Apr/5/23 4:20:00 p.m.
  • Re: Bill 91 

We all remember 15 years of this previous Liberal government’s legacy: crippling deficits, crushing debt, systemic dismantling of our manufacturing sector, 300,000 jobs leaving the province, unaffordable electricity costs for families and businesses alike. Now the changes we are proposing would ultimately ensure that ratepayers are not subject to additional costs that are not directly related to their usage of electricity and not directly related to their use of gas.

I realize it wasn’t an NDP government, but for three of those 15 years the NDP was propping them up. Can you make up for that, I ask the member, by supporting this bill and its proposed amendments on correcting record-high energy costs—make up for the failures of that three-year period of support?

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  • Mar/29/23 11:00:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Energy. Ontario’s clean electricity system is a major selling point when companies are looking to invest and grow their businesses.

Thanks to the hard work and leadership of the Premier and many ministers in our government, Ontario is attracting tens of billions of dollars in new investments from companies like Volkswagen, Stellantis, Umicore and others.

Our government’s commitment to the economy and the jobs needed for the future is grounded in the values of sustainability, responsibility and co-operation.

Under the previous Liberal government, reckless policies, excessive red tape and mismanagement drove manufacturing jobs out of our province.

I understand the Minister of Energy is developing more strategies to encourage jobs and growth in Ontario.

Can the minister please describe the measures that will increase Ontario’s competitive advantage?

It is great news, indeed, that our government is taking action and utilizing Ontario’s clean energy advantage to help us attract even more major investments. I am aware that competing jurisdictions in the United States, including New York and Texas, currently offer clean energy credits for sale. It is a positive step that our province has levelled the playing field and is demonstrating optimism about new opportunities for the future that will help build a strong Ontario.

Can the minister please describe how clean energy credits will benefit Ontario’s electricity grid, Ontario’s economy, and Ontario’s environment?

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  • Dec/6/22 11:10:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Energy. Nuclear power represents a critical component of our province’s energy production capabilities now and in the future. Ontario is a global leader when it comes to nuclear power and in producing new and innovative energy technology.

We’ve heard our government and the Minister of Energy tout the potential for small modular nuclear reactors to assist us in generating clean and reliable electricity to power Ontario and our growing economy. Mr. Speaker, can the Minister of Energy please tell us more about what the next steps are in advancing SMR technology here in Ontario?

With global businesses looking to expand in jurisdictions with clean and cost-effective electricity, small modular reactors will help us as we compete and attract more game-changing investments here at home. SMRs, Mr. Speaker, have the potential to drive job creation, economic growth and export opportunities, which will allow Ontario to leverage its highly skilled nuclear industry and workforce.

However, members from across the aisle continue to say no and oppose the advancement of new nuclear technology. Mr. Speaker, therefore, can the Minister of Energy provide further details on how our government supports this critical endeavour?

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