
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Justin Trudeau

  • Member of Parliament
  • Liberal
  • Papineau
  • Quebec
  • Voting Attendance: 52%
  • Expenses Last Quarter: $150,883.83

  • Government Page
  • May/8/24 2:37:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are continuing to make progress on the grocery code of conduct and continuing our efforts to make food more affordable through competition reforms. We are also creating a national school food program, which should provide meals to more than 400,000 children every year and enable an average two-child family to save up to $800 a year in grocery costs. There are also measures in the fall economic statement, which the House is currently studying, to crack down on predatory pricing. The NDP has the power to help us get this passed.
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  • May/8/24 2:35:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, not only are we continuing to move forward on our grocery code of conduct, but we are working on a project to make food more affordable through competition reform. Now, we are creating a national school food program, which is expected to provide meals for more than 400,000 kids a year and save the average family with two children as much as $800 per year on grocery costs. We are also ensuring that the wealthiest pay their fair share. Indeed, there are measures in the House right now that will crack down on predatory pricing, and the NDP has the opportunity to support us as it goes through the House.
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  • May/1/24 2:38:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we will continue to work with the big grocery stores to ensure that there is more competition and that they adopt the code of conduct. I think it is a good thing that Canadians are expressing their disapproval of Loblaws, which refuses to adopt this grocery code of conduct. We will continue to be there for Canadians with increased competition and with the school food program that will help 400,000 more children across the country learn on a full stomach. We are there to help families during these difficult times. We will always be there for Canadians.
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  • May/1/24 2:36:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, like many others, we are concerned with the refusal of Loblaw and others to sign on to the grocery code of conduct, which we know will protect consumers and will protect growers across this country as well. We will continue to impress upon them, using various means at our disposal, the importance of signing on to the grocery code of conduct. We have also increased the Competition Bureau's ability to go after big grocery companies in terms of the competitive or uncompetitive options they are giving to Canadians. We have also moved forward in other ways of supporting Canadians with groceries like the national school food program announced in our budget.
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  • Feb/28/24 2:53:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we have stepped up our supports, as a federal government, to food banks and organizations serving the most vulnerable right across the country, and we will continue to. In terms of grocery prices, more competition means lower prices, more choices and more innovative products and services for Canadians. We are going to continue to work on our new legislation that empowers the Competition Bureau to hold grocers accountable and to prioritize consumers' interests. There is much more to do. We are going to continue to do it, working alongside anyone in the House who wants to tackle affordability and ensure that we are helping the most vulnerable across the country.
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  • Feb/28/24 2:47:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as one of the Conservative leader's own MPs recognized, there is absolutely no data or proof to link their theory around the price on pollution and the price of groceries. However, if the Conservatives actually cared about affordability for Canadians, they would have voted in favour of dental care for our most vulnerable seniors and for young families who cannot afford to send their kids to a dentist. That is what we are delivering and what they are voting against. They would not be stalling on the competition reforms to ensure that we are actually moving forward on greater competition to stabilize grocery prices.
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  • Feb/7/24 3:06:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as the member for Regina—Lewvan recognized yesterday, there is absolutely no data to support any link between our price on pollution and higher grocery prices. There simply is none. On this side of the House, we are a government anchored in evidence and data, and we will continue to be there to deliver things like the grocery rebate to Canadians to put more money back in Canadians' pockets, even as we put a price on pollution with the carbon price rebate. We will continue to defend Canadians' interests against the cuts proposed by that Conservative.
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  • Feb/7/24 2:43:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is quite something to watch the flailing of the Conservatives right now as they do anything to try to distract from the fact that their campaign manager, the Leader of the Opposition's top adviser, still gets contributions and paycheques from Loblaws. This is an issue, when he has stood up and pretended to care about food prices. When we have heard the exact same talking points come out of Galen Weston's mouth as out of the Leader of the Opposition's mouth on some invented connection between the price on pollution and grocery prices, we know exactly who is behind the Conservative Party.
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  • Feb/7/24 2:34:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I welcome the NDP's efforts to increase competition in the grocery sector, because we really believe in that. We have included measures in our legislation that correspond to the measures proposed by the NDP. We absolutely believe in increasing competition in the grocery sector. That is something the NDP and the Liberals agree on. The Conservatives would rather listen to their lobbyist buddy who works for Loblaw and defend the interests of major grocery retailers, instead of fighting on behalf of Canadians to bring down grocery prices.
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  • Feb/7/24 2:33:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, right now, with the fall economic statement, we are proposing significant measures to increase competition in the grocery sector. Many of them are ideas that we are in alignment with the leader of the NDP on. We believe in moving forward with greater competition in the grocery sector. That is something the NDP and the Liberals agree on. It is not something Conservatives agree on; their chief strategist is actually on the Loblaws' payroll. They choose to promote disinformation and misinformation while defending big grocers. On this side of the House, we will stand up for Canadians.
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  • Nov/29/23 2:59:01 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-56 
Mr. Speaker, that might have been a more credible question if it had not been for the fact that the Conservative Party delayed the implementation of our affordability act, which would bring in more competition on groceries. It is moving forward to stabilize grocery prices and support Canadians through this difficult time. The Conservatives have also stood against other initiatives we are supporting Canadians with, like dental care for young Canadians and for seniors, which is coming in the coming months. They have stood against supports like our grocery rebate. They have stood against the investments we are busy making to support Canadians right across the country because they stand for austerity and cuts.
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  • Nov/29/23 2:30:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the opposition leader is not being completely logical. He is right that Canadians are struggling because of high grocery prices, but he is proposing government austerity as a solution to help those families. It is completely ridiculous. We are here to help families with investments in housing and investments to lower and stabilize grocery prices. We are here to invest in careers and jobs for the future. Meanwhile, the Conservative Party is against dental care for seniors and against help for businesses that will increase the employment rate.
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  • Nov/28/23 2:25:26 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-56 
Mr. Speaker, if the Leader of the Opposition actually cared about Canadians being able to afford their food, the Conservatives would not have dragged their heels on the passage of Bill C-56, which would increase competition in the grocery sector. Indeed, there are a lot of factors that deliver higher food prices not just for Canadians but for people around the world. One of the key ones is Russia's continued illegal invasion of Ukraine. On this side of the House, we can affirm clearly that we will stand with Ukraine with everything necessary for as long as necessary. As we saw last week, no Conservative politician can say the same in the House.
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  • Nov/21/23 2:34:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we have long been concerned about the price of groceries. That is why the parliamentary committee and the minister convened the heads of the grocery chains to work with them to stabilize the price of groceries. We know how important it is to be there to support Canadians. I can assure hon. members that in the fall economic statement that we are presenting in a few hours, there will be measures to further enhance competition in the grocery sector in order to help people buy groceries and support their families during these difficult times.
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  • Oct/25/23 2:40:50 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-56 
Mr. Speaker, our goal is to make life more affordable and ensure that companies pay their share. The Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry met with the CEOs of the big grocery chains and of domestic and international food producers to clearly explain the need for a more affordable grocery basket and improved competition. I hope that all members will join us in expediting the passage of Bill C‑56 on affordable housing and groceries to improve competition in the food sector, among others.
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  • Oct/4/23 3:25:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadian grocery bills are just too high. That is why we are taking immediate action. We called the top CEOs to Ottawa to discuss how they can make groceries more affordable. Should they fail to show results, their inaction will have consequences. We are also moving forward on competition reforms, because we know increased competition is good for consumers. Unfortunately, the Conservative Party has chosen to obstruct debate on the competition reform bill, but we are going to continue to move forward, because that is what Canadians need.
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  • Oct/3/23 3:29:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as we have seen consistently, Canadians are facing real challenges. That is why we have consistently stepped up with measures to support Canadians, whether it is bringing in a reduction of 50% on child care, which Conservatives campaigned against, that has saved thousands of dollars a year for many families; whether it is moving forward with the grocery rebate; or whether it is moving forward with dental benefits for low-income and middle-income families that cannot offer them to their kids. These are things that Conservatives voted against. We will continue to be there. We are working with the large grocery companies to increase competition and stabilize food prices.
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  • Oct/3/23 3:28:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, a number of weeks ago, our Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry brought together the heads of all the large grocery chains in Canada to directly address the challenges that Canadians are facing around high food prices. It is not right that Canadians are as squeezed as they are right now, and that is why we are taking action. We also continue to take action on investing in housing, as Canadians need more and more supply. This is why we have eliminated the GST on new rental construction and why we have incentivized communities to move forward on greater densification. We are continuing to respond to the needs of Canadians.
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  • Oct/3/23 3:25:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry convened a meeting several weeks ago with the CEOs of the major grocery chains precisely to talk about how we can stabilize the price of groceries for Canadians. We will continue to work with them on this file to ensure that Canadians can buy their food at the grocery store this weekend and every weekend going forward. We are here to bring in measures like the grocery rebate and reduced fees for child care. We will always be there to help families.
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  • Sep/19/23 2:29:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry convened the heads of the five great grocery chains across this country to talk about how we are going to stabilize grocery prices, how they were going to make life more affordable for Canadians. We are there to work with them to make sure that it happens in ways that continue to support our hard-working farmers and food producers across the country, and continues to put high-quality, affordable food on Canadians' tables from coast to coast to coast. We have said clearly that we expect to see a concrete plan from those grocery CEOs. If they do not come forward with strong enough measures, then we will take measures. We are going to stabilize—
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