
Decentralized Democracy

Bill S-254

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 01, 2023
  • Summary: This bill, called Bill S-254, aims to amend the Food and Drugs Act by requiring alcoholic beverages to have a warning label. The label would inform consumers about the risks of alcohol consumption, including the link between alcohol and the development of fatal cancers. The label would also provide information about the volume of the beverage, the number of standard drinks in the package, and the recommended limit to avoid health risks. This bill will come into effect one year after it receives royal assent. Explanation: This bill proposes adding a warning label to alcoholic beverages, which would give information to consumers about the health risks associated with drinking alcohol. The label would include details about the recommended volume of a standard drink, the number of standard drinks in the package, and the maximum number of standard drinks to avoid significant health risks. The label would also highlight the direct l
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • Steelman Argument: Ensuring that consumers have access to accurate and up-to-date health information is crucial when it comes to making informed decisions about their health. By amending the Food and Drugs Act to require a warning label on alcoholic beverages, this bill aims to provide the public with important information regarding the risks associated with alcohol consumption. Numerous studies have established a direct causal link between alcohol consumption and the development of fatal cancers. It is essential for individuals to be aware of this connection, as it can significantly impact their health and well-being. By affixing a warning label to alcoholic beverages, consumers will have a visible reminder of the potential health risks they are exposing themselves to when consuming alcohol. Moreover, the inclusion of additional information on the label, such as the volume of beverage that constitutes a standard drink, the number

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill S-254: An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (warning label on alcoholic beverages): While recognizing the importance of informing the public about the risks of alcohol consumption, this bill goes beyond what is necessary and is excessive in its approach. It requires warning labels on all alcoholic beverages, regardless of the alcohol content. This treats all alcoholic beverages equally, even though the health risks associated with different types and amounts of alcohol vary greatly. Furthermore, this bill assumes that consumers are unaware of the risks of alcohol consumption, which may not be the case. Many individuals already have access to information about the potential health effects of alcohol consumption through various channels such as public health campaigns, educational materials, and healthcare providers. Therefore, mandating warning labels may not provide substantial additional benefits. I
  • June 1, 2023, 2 p.m.
  • In Progress
  • Read
  • Feb. 14, 2023, 2 p.m.
  • Passed