
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill PR25

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 30, 2023
  • This is a law called the Superior Corporate Services Limited Act, 2023. It is about reviving a corporation called Superior Corporate Services Limited. The corporation was dissolved in 1989 for not following tax laws. The person applying for this law wants to revive the corporation in order to take legal action on its behalf. The law states that the corporation will be revived and will have the same rights and liabilities as before it was dissolved, except for certain properties that will remain with the government. The law also says that the corporation will indemnify the government for any damages or losses caused by its actions during the time it was dissolved. The law will come into effect once it receives approval from the government.
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • Steelman Argument: The revival of Superior Corporate Services Limited through the Bill PR25 2023 is a necessary and just action that should be supported. The applicant, Mary Kathleen Young, is the executor and trustee of the estate of Bruce Malcolm Young, who was the director and sole shareholder of the corporation when it was dissolved. The corporation was dissolved in 1989 for failure to comply with the Corporations Tax Act. By reviving the corporation, Mary Kathleen Young aims to commence an action on behalf of the dissolved corporation. This action is important as it allows for the pursuit of justice and the protection of the corporation's interests. Reviving the corporation will restore it to its legal position, subject to all its liabilities, contracts, disabilities, and debts as of the date of its dissolution. Furthermore, the Bill PR25 2023 includes provisions for indemnification of the Crown and any officer, employee, or agent of the Crown, including the Public Guardian and Trustee. This indemnification ensures that any damages, costs, or losses incurred by the Crown as a result of any proceeding or claim relating to the disposition of the corporation's property during its dissolved period are covered. However, this indemnity is subject to review and direction by a court of competent jurisdiction, ensuring that it is fair and just. Overall, the revival of Superior Corporate Services Limited is a necessary step to protect the interests of the dissolved corporation and seek justice on its behalf. The provisions in the bill provide necessary safeguards and accountability, ensuring that the Crown and other parties are protected and that any indemnification is subject to court review.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill PR25 2023: While it is understandable that Mary Kathleen Young wishes to revive Superior Corporate Services Limited in order to pursue legal action on behalf of the dissolved corporation, there are several concerns that need to be addressed. This bill sets a dangerous precedent by granting special legislation to revive a corporation that was dissolved for failure to comply with tax regulations. Firstly, this bill undermines the principle of personal responsibility and accountability. By reviving a corporation that failed to meet its tax obligations, it sends a message that individuals and corporations can evade their responsibilities without facing any consequences. This goes against the conservative values of individual liberty and personal responsibility. Secondly, reviving a dissolved corporation raises questions about the fairness of the business environment. Other law-abiding corporations may view this as preferential treatment and feel that they are being unfairly disadvantaged. This can create a sense of distrust and erode confidence in the government's ability to enforce regulations equally. Furthermore, the indemnification of the Crown and its officers, employees, and agents raises concerns about the potential misuse of taxpayer funds. Granting indemnity without proper oversight and review by a court of competent jurisdiction opens the door for potential abuse and wasteful spending. It is crucial to ensure that taxpayer money is used responsibly and that any indemnification is subject to thorough scrutiny. Lastly, this bill fails to address the broader issue of tax compliance. Instead of reviving a dissolved corporation, efforts should be focused on promoting a business environment that encourages compliance with tax regulations. This can be achieved through education, simplification of tax laws, and fair enforcement measures that hold all businesses accountable. In conclusion, while the intention behind Bill PR25 2023 may be to seek justice for Superior Corporate Services Limited, it raises concerns about fairness, personal responsibility, and the proper use of taxpayer funds. It is important to consider the potential negative consequences and explore alternative solutions that promote a level playing field for all businesses while upholding the principles of accountability and responsible governance.
  • May 30, 2023, noon
  • In Progress
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