
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill 60

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 18, 2023
  • This explanatory note provides information about Bill 60, which is an Act to amend and enact various Acts with respect to the health system. The note explains that it does not form part of the law itself. Bill 60, enacted as Chapter 4 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2023, includes several schedules. Schedule 1 enacts the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023, which establishes rules and regulations for licensing and operating integrated community health services centres. Schedule 2 makes amendments to several Acts related to regulated professions. Schedule 3 amends the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to extend its application to extra-ministerial data integration units. The major elements of the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023 are described in the note. These include provisions for interpretive provisions, the appointment of Directors, licensing of centres, payments and financial accountability, inspections and compliance orders, and miscellaneous provisions. The Act also establishes offences and penalties, as well as the power to make regulations. The note also provides a summary of the amendments made to various Acts in Schedule 2, which expand the definitions of "physician" and allow for the operation of an x-ray machine in accordance with a prescription from a prescribed person, among other changes. Schedule 3 amends the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to extend its application to extra-ministerial data integration units. The Act comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent, and the Schedules come into force as provided in each Schedule. The short title of the Act is the Your Health Act, 2023.
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • RA
  • Yea (24)
  • Nay (26)
  • star_border

SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • One possible steelman argument in favor of the Explanatory Note is that it provides important context and clarification for readers of Bill 60. The Explanatory Note helps readers understand that it is not part of the law itself, but rather serves as a reader's aid to the bill. This distinction is important because it ensures that readers do not confuse the Explanatory Note with the actual legislation. Additionally, the Explanatory Note provides a summary of the major elements of the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023, which is enacted by Bill 60. This summary helps readers quickly understand the key provisions and purpose of the Act. By providing this additional information and context, the Explanatory Note enhances the transparency and accessibility of the legislation. It helps readers navigate and interpret the law more effectively, which ultimately contributes to a better understanding and implementation of the Act.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman argument opposing this: Bill 60, the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act, 2023, is an overreach of government power and infringes on individual liberty. This Act gives the government the authority to control and regulate integrated community health services centres, including the licensing process, payments, and financial accountability. This level of government control limits the freedom of individuals and businesses to operate and provide healthcare services as they see fit. The Act requires individuals and businesses to obtain a license from the government in order to establish and operate an integrated community health services centre. This licensing process creates unnecessary bureaucracy and red tape, hindering the ability of healthcare providers to offer services to the public. It also gives the government the power to refuse or revoke licenses, further limiting the choices available to individuals seeking healthcare services. Additionally, the Act allows the Minister to pay for facility costs and other operating costs of integrated community health services centres. This creates a reliance on government funding and interferes with the free market. It also opens the door for government interference in the pricing and provision of healthcare services. Furthermore, the Act prohibits charging facility costs without a license and restricts the ability to charge or accept payments for providing a preference in obtaining access to an insured service. This limits the ability of healthcare providers to offer additional services or benefits to patients who are willing to pay for them. Overall, Bill 60 represents an expansion of government control over healthcare services and limits individual freedom and choice. It is important to prioritize individual liberty and free market principles in the healthcare sector to ensure the best outcomes for patients and providers.
  • May 18, 2023, noon
  • Read

Assembly Motion No. 4228

43rd Parl. 1st Sess. (ON)
May 8, 2023, 8 a.m.
  • Bill 60
  • Latest: Royal Assent received. Statutes of Ontario 2023, chapter 4
  • Third Reading of Bill 60, An Act to amend and enact various Acts with respect to the health system.

Assembly Motion No. 4227

43rd Parl. 1st Sess. (ON)
May 8, 2023, 8 a.m.
  • Bill 60
  • Latest: Royal Assent received. Statutes of Ontario 2023, chapter 4
  • Motion for closure on the motion for Third Reading of Bill 60, An Act to amend and enact various Acts with respect to the health system.
  • May 8, 2023, midnight
  • Passed

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
April 06, 2023
  • March 1, 2023, noon
  • Passed

Assembly Motion No. 4313

43rd Parl. 1st Sess. (ON)
March 1, 2023, 7 a.m.
  • Bill 60
  • Latest: Royal Assent received. Statutes of Ontario 2023, chapter 4
  • Second Reading of Bill 60, An Act to amend and enact various Acts with respect to the health system.

Assembly Motion No. 4312

43rd Parl. 1st Sess. (ON)
March 1, 2023, 7 a.m.
  • Bill 60
  • Latest: Royal Assent received. Statutes of Ontario 2023, chapter 4
  • Motion for closure on Second Reading of Bill 60, An Act to amend and enact various Acts with respect to the health system.

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 28, 2023

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 27, 2023

Assembly Debates

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 22, 2023
  • Feb. 21, 2023, midnight
  • Passed