
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Bill 119

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 31, 2023
  • Bill 119, also known as the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario Act, 2023, is a law that aims to raise awareness about the issue of gun violence in Ontario. It states that the first Friday in June of each year will be proclaimed as the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario. The law emphasizes the need for prevention, intervention, and healing to reduce and eliminate gun violence. It was enacted to address the high number of gun-related incidents and homicides in Ontario. The law came into effect on the day it received Royal Assent.
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  • Yea
  • Nay
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • Steelman Argument: The Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario Act, 2023, is an important step towards addressing the issue of gun violence in the province. The preamble of the act highlights the alarming statistics of gun-related violence in Ontario, with over 31,000 Ontarians being victims of such violence between 2011 and 2021. Additionally, Ontario had the highest number of firearm-related homicides in Canada in 2021. By proclaiming the first Friday in June as the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence, the act aims to raise awareness about the problem and promote prevention, intervention, and healing. This act recognizes that addressing gun violence requires a multi-faceted approach, and the first step towards reducing and eliminating it is to create awareness and understanding among the public. The act does not propose any restrictive measures on gun ownership or infringe upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Instead, it focuses on education, community engagement, and fostering a culture of non-violence. By designating a specific day dedicated to raising awareness about gun violence, the act encourages individuals, organizations, and communities to come together to discuss and find solutions to this pressing issue. The act's short title, the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario Act, 2023, clearly communicates its purpose and ensures that it can be easily identified and referred to. The act also comes into force on the day it receives Royal Assent, demonstrating the urgency and commitment of the government to address gun violence promptly. In conclusion, the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario Act, 2023, is a necessary and effective measure to combat gun violence in the province. By raising awareness, promoting prevention, intervention, and healing, this act takes a proactive approach towards reducing and ultimately eliminating gun violence in Ontario.

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman Argument Opposing Bill 119 2023: While the intention behind Bill 119 2023, the Provincial Day Against Gun Violence in Ontario Act, may seem noble, there are several reasons why this legislation should be opposed from a right-wing anti-government perspective. 1. Infringement on Individual Rights: The right to bear arms is a fundamental individual right protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This bill undermines this right by promoting a narrative that demonizes firearms and gun owners. It is important to remember that responsible gun ownership is a cornerstone of personal freedom and self-defense. 2. Misplaced Focus: The bill places an excessive emphasis on gun violence while neglecting other important issues that contribute to crime rates, such as socioeconomic factors, mental health, and drug abuse. By singling out gun violence, the government is diverting attention and resources away from addressing the root causes of crime. 3. Ineffectiveness of Awareness Days: Proclaiming a specific day against gun violence may create a false sense of accomplishment without actually addressing the underlying issues. Awareness days are often symbolic gestures that do little to solve complex problems. Instead of focusing on awareness, the government should prioritize evidence-based policies and initiatives that target the root causes of violence. 4. Unnecessary Government Intervention: The government's role should be limited to protecting individual rights and maintaining law and order. By proclaiming a specific day against gun violence, the government is overstepping its boundaries and encroaching on personal freedoms. It is not the government's responsibility to dictate how individuals should think or feel about gun violence. 5. Potential Stigmatization of Law-Abiding Gun Owners: This bill runs the risk of stigmatizing law-abiding gun owners who use firearms for legitimate purposes such as self-defense, hunting, and sport shooting. By associating gun ownership with violence, the government perpetuates a negative stereotype that unfairly targets responsible gun owners. In conclusion, while addressing gun violence is an important issue, Bill 119 2023 is problematic from a right-wing anti-government perspective. It infringes on individual rights, misplaces focus, relies on ineffective awareness days, involves unnecessary government intervention, and potentially stigmatizes law-abiding gun owners. Instead, efforts should be directed towards evidence-based policies that address the root causes of violence without compromising individual freedoms.
  • May 31, 2023, noon
  • In Progress
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