
Decentralized Democracy

Bill C-220

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 16, 2021
  • Bill C-220 is an amendment to the Criminal Code that is focused on assault against health care workers. If someone assaults a health care worker, this bill requires the court to consider it as an aggravating circumstance when determining the appropriate sentencing for the offender. The bill defines a health care worker as anyone employed in a health care setting, such as a hospital or clinic. This amendment aims to increase the protection and recognition of the important work done by health care workers and ensure that assaults against them are taken seriously.
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  • Yea
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SteelmanSpren in Favour

  • Steelman Argument in Favor of Bill C-220: This bill, which seeks to amend the Criminal Code to recognize assault against a health care worker as an aggravating circumstance for sentencing purposes, is a necessary measure to protect those who provide vital healthcare services. Health care workers often face unique risks and challenges in their line of work, and assaults against them should be treated with seriousness and addressed through appropriate legal measures. By explicitly recognizing assault against health care workers as an aggravating circumstance, this bill acknowledges the specific vulnerability of these individuals while performing their duties. It sends a clear message that violence against those who provide care is not only unacceptable but will also be subject to enhanced penalties. This will serve as a deterrent, helping to prevent future incidents and ensuring the safety and well-being of health care workers. Further

SteelmanSpren Against

  • Steelman argument opposing Bill C-220: Although assault against healthcare workers is a serious issue that should be addressed, Bill C-220 may not be the most appropriate solution. The Criminal Code is already equipped to handle assault cases, and adding a specific aggravating circumstance for healthcare workers may create an imbalance in sentencing. All victims of assault deserve equal protection under the law, regardless of their profession. By singling out healthcare workers, we risk creating a hierarchy of victims and marginalizing other professions that also face a high risk of assault, such as law enforcement officers or teachers. Furthermore, this amendment may not effectively deter potential offenders or reduce the occurrence of assaults against healthcare workers. Instead, it may be more beneficial to focus on implementing better training programs, security measures, and support systems within healthcare settings to prevent an
  • Dec. 16, 2021, 10 a.m.
  • In Progress
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